
From Terry: I joined Oregon CURE in 1998, having learned about it through my involvement with Citizens to Repeal Measure 11. My professional background includes teaching and case management for Developmentally Disabled people, case management in Mental Health, Disability Analyst for Social Security Disability applicants, A/D counselor – a wide range of experience. My reason for becoming involved with CURE was after one of my DD clients murdered another one of my DD clients. My father had been an attorney and a judge in Washington State: I thought maybe I knew something about how the system worked, but found I actually did not. My client was represented by a court-appointed attorney, and was never given any opportunity to speak in court during his trial. I volunteered with DOC’s Home for Good program in 2003-4; was Oregon CURE’s Corresponding Secretary for 5+ years; edited, updated and wrote many of our publications, attended Transition Fairs, and proposed and continue to present quarterly at the Salem Orientation for Family Members and Friends of the newly incarcerated. I also helped start a CoDependents Anonymous 12-Step meeting at OSP in 2008 that continues to meet twice monthly, and attend monthly Lifers Club and 7th Step Club meetings, and participate in the Insight Hearings that were developed to help people prepare for their Parole Hearings.

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