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Oregon Fearless

Oregon Fearless

Fearless is a safe online space for people who are currently, or have been, on the sex offender registry and their allies. The Oregon group was started in March, 2022 by a prior registrant who was inspired by similar groups in other states. The group meets for 90 minutes on the fourth Tuesday of each month on Zoom and is open to anyone over 18 years old. One member facilitates the meeting and maintains a safe and respectful environment. Everyone is encouraged to participate at the level that makes them comfortable, including just listening.It is not a place for legal, mental health, or personal advice although sharing of resources is encouraged. Fearless meetings may include people on the sex offender registry, on post-prison supervision, spouses, adult family members, friends, co-workers and supportive community members. Lawyers, politicians, mental health professionals, medical professionals, business people, educators, and other leaders are welcomed but not in a professional capacity. We are here to support each other and not offer advice. If you, or someone you know, is interested in Oregon Fearless please send an email to Let us know your name (first names or aliases are just fine) and preferred pronouns. Please briefly outline the reason for your interest and how you would like to be contacted. Messages are confidential and will be deleted after we have contacted you.

About oregoncureadmin

The mission of OREGON CURE is to reduce crime by advocating for effective criminal justice policies, procedures and programs.


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